Tuesday, 28 February 2012

today's blogs

Hello my name is Naana and I am going to write a story.
                        The boy who went into the spooky house.

Once upon a time there was a boy who saw a huge house. He went into the house and there was a ghost saying "wwwhhhooo". The boy was so scared he wanted to go home but the door was locked. He said “mommy I want to go home”. So he ran upstairs and when he went upstairs he saw 100000 bats coming from the wardrobe and he screamed. He said “bbaattss” and ran into a room and saw a girl behind him. The girl said “hello what’s your name?” He said “my name is Morgan Brown”. The girl said her name was Sophie Williams. So they got out the room and ran outside the back garden and saw all kind of monsters. There where hairy ones, three legged ones, four eyed ones and hungry ones. So they ran inside and got weapons and went out and killed the all the monsters. They ran back inside and went to the door and ran home. THE END

Hi my name is Nicole. This Sunday I was at beavers. The roof in the beaver den is falling down so beavers was in the school. We played games and sang songs. We had lots of fun.

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